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Dream It Do It Front CoverDream It Do It:
Inspiring Stories of Dreams Come True
by Sharon Cook and Graciela Sholander


Available today at bookstores nationwide and
here on this website.

Trade paperback: $16.95, 238 pages, ISBN: 1–884587–30–5


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Each chapter is in a PDF file that will
appear in a new browser window
(Requires Acrobat Reader 5 or higher)
You cannot print the four chapters.
Copyright 2004, 2009. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents
(You can print the
Table of Contents)
Foreword by Gail Manza, Executive Director of the National Mentoring Partnership
(You can print the Foreword)
Chapters 1 and 2Chapter 4Courage: Conquer Your Fears
(Lance Armstrong, Marigold Linton, Stephanie Ngo Pham)

Chapter 6Creativity: Create a New Reality

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